Ian McAndrew



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about Ian McAndrew

Ian was born in Northampton, England in 1947. Nine years later his parents immigrated to Canada and settled in Edmonton, Alberta. As a young boy, Ian saw the varied landscape of both Canada and the United States, from the Pacific coast of California, across the American Midwest and finally to Ontario, his current home.

Oil and watercolour are the mediums which Ian finds lend themselves best to his interpretation and recording of our natural environment. The transparency of watercolour, especially with its subtle movement and flow of colour, help to animate the forms of nature which are the subject of Ian McAndrew’s work.

Ian studied at the Ontario College of Art and Design and is largely self taught. He is a watchful and sensitive observer of nature in all its majesty: the seasons as they change and transform the hills and fields, storms that leave a gray mist behind them, sunshine as it dances among the shadows in a stand of birch. Ian’s work reflects his highly imaginative vision of the world around him, a vision which continues guide his brush and palette, expanding and growing with the ever changing seasons and landscape.



2352 Danforth Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4C 1W6

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